Market Data
Moving Forward with Fallback Procedures
The most recent day-ahead market decoupling incident (June 2024) highlighted current market fallback procedures, designed to ensure the production of a reliable power price.
Nord Pool can now share some concrete proposals to improve fallback procedures, aimed at making production of a robust power price far more likely in a decoupling scenario.
We examine the appropriateness - or not - of local auctions run by a decoupled power exchange.
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SDAC 15-minute Joint Member Test
A Joint Member Test phase will be conducted by all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) in collaboration with the Market Coupling Consultative Group (MCCG) and market participants before the SDAC 15-minute MTU go-live.
It is Nord Pool’s long-held belief that shared order books, in both intraday and day-ahead timeframes, are essential to enable full and fair competition between power exchanges in Europe. In our view, the sharing of order books should be mandatory whenever technically possible.
The recent EC proposals on power market reform, combined with commentary from other power exchanges, have pushed shared order books back in the spotlight.