Market Data
BRM Goes Live!
Nord Pool is delighted that the independent Romanian power exchange BRM, supported by experts from our dedicated Serviced Power Markets team, has successfully launched trading as part of SDAC, the day-ahead auction which couples Europe.
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Nord Pool Certified Day-Ahead Trader Course
Nord Pool Academy is excited to launch its new online e-learning opportunity; Nord Pool Certified Day-Ahead Trader Course, from November 2024. The course will convey our decades of knowledge and experience to anyone interested in diving further into the European day-ahead market.
It is Nord Pool’s long-held belief that shared order books, in both intraday and day-ahead timeframes, are essential to enable full and fair competition between power exchanges in Europe. In our view, the sharing of order books should be mandatory whenever technically possible.
The recent EC proposals on power market reform, combined with commentary from other power exchanges, have pushed shared order books back in the spotlight.