Staying secure and future proof for customers and employees
- We are committed to compliance — the lawful and proper conduct of Nord Pool's business. Every employee is personally obliged to obey all applicable laws and corporate policies.
- We are committed to complying with our licenses as an organised market place. We will ensure that our markets are operated in line with CACM regulation and the market place licenses from RME and that information provided to authorities is communicated openly, correctly and completely.
- We are committed to fair competition. The Nord Pool Group supports a competitive market, allowing us and our competitors to compete on equal terms. We shall all act in compliance with competition law and the Nord Pool Group expects its contractual partners to do the same.
- We are committed to performing our business with integrity towards all counterparts. We wholeheartedly support the laws that regulate anti-bribery business and activities countering bribery. We expect our contractual partners adopt the same zero-tolerance approach.
- We are committed to proper handling of personal data. We respect the privacy of our customers and employees.
- We are committed to operating our market place according to the REMIT Regulation. We support the European Commission in its goal of increased integrity and transparency of wholesale energy markets to foster open and fair competition in these markets for the benefit of final consumers of energy.
- Notification of critical circumstances — “Whistleblowing”. We are determined to nurture a culture where employees feel confident to share ethical dilemmas and speak up about possible breaches. Compliance with rules and regulations, ethical standards, and internal rules and guidance is of great importance for our success.
If you have questions with regard to Nord Pool's ESG work you can contact us on [email protected]