Product offerings
Enabling the integration of more renewable energy into the grid
Our sustainable product offerings and initiatives facilitates the integration of renewables into power markets.
24/7 carbon-free energy and granular certificates
- As a signatory of the United Nations 24 CFE compact and member of the Energytag Initiative, Nord Pool promotes a 24/7 carbon-free energy future: a decarbonised energy system anywhere, anytime.
- Together with our partner Granular Energy, we advocate for a more granular and transparent clean energy market by incorporating timestamped energy certificates.
Nord Pool’s intraday markets
- The increasing penetration of renewable production and high level of trading automation is driving liquidity on Nord Pool’s intraday markets: volumes have increased 300% between 2022 and 2023. Nord Pool is currently reshaping its intraday platform to facilitate the introduction of renewable energy.
Increasing renewable production on the network will require bringing greater flexibility to the market. Nord Pool is supporting several initiatives that allow an efficient use of small scale and distributed flexibility.
- Onenet project: One Network for Europe is an EU funded project from Programme Horizon 2020. The aim of this project is to enable transmission and distribution system operators to purchase their flexibility needs on our wholesale intraday markets
- Flexiswitch project: together with our partner Equigy, we provide distributed assets and flex aggregators and operators with seamless access to wholesale markets, TSO balancing markets and local flexibility markets
- We are in conversation with several TSOs and DSOs to create the ecosystem they need to ensure their network can cope with more carbon- free electricity.
Interested in our initiatives and products to make market-based energy transition a reality? Please contact [email protected]