Launch of Norwegian EPAD Auctions by Statnett
Date: Tuesday 5 November
Time: 13:30-14:30 CET
- Ulf Hedlund-Salmekari, Engineering Lead, Nord Pool
- Vassi Kujala, Product Manager Auction, Nord Pool
Join the Webinar:
Join us for a free online webinar on the launch of Norwegian EPAD auctions by Statnett. This session will
provide an overview of the new EPAD auction process, including rules, products and trading calendar. Our expert speakers will also demonstrate the trading platform and guide you on how to participate in the auctions.
- Welcome from Statnett - why EPAD auctions?
- Overview of EPAD auctions (rules, products, trading calendar)
- Trading platform demonstration
- How to join the EPAD auctions
- Q&A