To ensure a higher level of transparency of how capacities between the Elspot areas are determined, Nordel has decided to extend its information to the market by using codes for capacity reduction. The procedure will begin on Wednesday for delivery-day Thursday 15 March 2007.
Each Elspot capacity will have one code every hour. The codes consist of four numbers, where the two first numbers informs about what type of capacity reduction it is, and the two last numbers informs about location of the constraint. The presented code only represents the limitation reason which the TSOs (Transmission System Operators) in question have deemed to be the most significant cause for a given limitation of capacity compared with normal NTC value.
The valid codes for each hour and area-to-area connection in Elspot will be published by Nord Pool Spot (NPS) on a daily basis at the same time as the actual capacities.
An explanation of all codes that can be used will naturally be available on the homepage.
The used codes will also continuously be stored at Nord Pool’s FTP-server in the same file as the capacities are stored.
Since this coding system is completely new there is no history of codes available, however as time goes by free access of at least up to two years history will be available on NPS homepage or upon request via other methods.
Nordel wants to emphasize that the number of codes can be extended due to new constraints in the power system, and if that occurs the TSOs will ensure to inform NPS so that the list of codes can be updated on NPS homepage and in statistical databases.
Lysaker, 12 March 2007
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Spot:
Tom Tellefsen, Statnett, phone: +47 22 52 74 43
Johan Svensson, Svenska Kraftnät, phone: +46 8 73 97 826
Timo Kaukonen, Fingrid, phone: +35 8 30 395 4228
Ole Jan Olesen,, phone: +45 44 7 39 11
Rickard Nilsson, Nord Pool Spot, phone: +46 8 555 166 06
Elspot trading desk, phone: +47 67 52 80 10