The transition to summertime takes place by setting the clock one hour ahead (from 02.00 a.m. to 03.00 a.m.) during the night of Sunday, 30 March (week 13). Sunday will have only 23 hours.
The Elspot market
For handling of transition in SESAM web and EDIEL see enclosed description.
The Elbas market
As a result of transition to summertime, there will only be 23 power hour series open for trading. In other words there will not be a series PH03080330 listed. Trading for all power hour series is closed one hour before delivery. Trading for PH04080330 will in other words close at 01.00 CET.
Lysaker, 13 March 2008
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Spot:
Elspot, phone +47 6752 8010 / 8016 or e-mail:
Elbas, phone +358 9 6840 4840 or e-mail: