The project “Market Coupling between Denmark and Germany” is in the implementation phase. On 13 November 2007, a press release was published stating that the market coupling would be launched on 3 June this year.
The press release was a joint statement from the five project initiators: the transmission system operators Vattenfall Europe Transmission, E.ON Netz, and, and the two power exchanges EEX and Nord Pool Spot.
In a co-operative spirit, the five project initiators have made every necessary effort to accelerate the implementation:
• The establishment of the European Market Coupling Company, EMCC has been prepared (including governance and contractual arrangements).
• The notification process with the European Commission is on the right track.
• Mr Enno Böttcher has been appointed CEO of the EMCC and has started working on the project.
However, in spite of these efforts, the parties have acknowledged that it will not be possible to launch a reliable and effective market coupling on 3 June.
Further information will be provided by the five parties when available.
Lysaker, 1 April 2008
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Spot:
Anders Plejdrup Houmøller, director business development, phone +45 2811 2300