Nord Pool Spot AS has received the following message from Statnett:
As announced in Exchange information no. 104/2009, Norway was divided in four Elspot/Elbas areas valid from 11.1.2010. Due to settlement technical reasons, the division between NO2 and NO1 will be somewhat adjusted. The 66 kV (50 kV) line Granvin-Bu will be replaced by the 66 kV (50 kV) line Klyve-Sima and the 66 kV line T/Gravenfoss-Gomsrud will be replaced by the 132 kV line Grønnvollfoss-Skollenborg and the 132 kV line Hof-Skollenborg.
On Monday 8 February 2010, the Elspot/Elbas areas of Norway will be changed according to the following:
Norway will be divided into four Elspot/Elbas areas, defined by:
- A southwestern Norway Elspot/Elbas area (NO2) limited by the
• 420 kV line Rød-Hasle
• 420 kV line Rjukan-Sylling
• 300 kV line Vemork-Flesaker
• 300 kV line Tokke-Flesaker
• 300 kV line Hof-Flesaker
• 300 kV line Modalen-Refsdal
• 132 kV line Grønnvollfoss-Skollenborg
• 132 kV line Hof-Skollenborg
• 66 kV (50 kV) line Klyve-Sima
where the first mentioned nodes are located in the southwestern area (NO2) and the second mentioned nodes are located in the southeastern area (NO1).
- A southeastern Norway Elspot/Elbas area (NO1) limited by the
• The nodes listed up above
• 300 kV line Øvre Vinstra-Vågåmo, where the node Ø.Vinstra is located in the southeastern area (NO1)
• 132 kV single busbar at Litjfossen,
• 132 kV double busbar at Åskåra, with one busbar in each area (NO1 and NO3)
- A middle Norway Elspot/Elbas area (NO3) limited by the
• 300 kV line Vågåmo-Øvre Vinstra line
• 132 kV single busbar at Litjfossen
• 132 kV double busbar at Åskåra, with one busbar in each area (NO1 and NO3)
• 300 kV line Verdal-Tunnsjødal
• 300 kV line Namsos-Tunnsjødal
where the first mentioned nodes are located in the area in middle Norway (NO3).
- A northern Norway Elspot/Elbas area (NO4) north of the area defined above.
Statnett will emphasize that the divisions between the areas are referring to electrical nodes in the transmission system and are not to be understood as a geographical division.
This area definition will remain until further notice.
Lysaker, 21 January 2010
For further information, please contact Statnett:
For questions regarding system operation:
Tom Tellefsen, Vice president, National control center, phone + 47 2252 7443
Ina Wiese-Hansen, senior engineer, National control center, phone + 47 2252 7352
For questions regarding balance settlement:
Kristian Lund Bernseter, department manager, balance settlement, phone + 47 2252 7336