During the weekend 12th-13th of June we will make several changes in our technical infrastructure and backend systems.
None of the changes will impact the daily distribution of system price and area prices from the Elspot Market.
Physical market and operating data on the old FTP server will no longer be updated after 12th of June 02:00 PM.
From approximately 12th of June 07:00 PM this physical data will be updated only on the new FTP server at ftp.nordpoolspot.com
Financial data will still be available on the old Nord Pool FTP: ftp.nordpool.com
For financial data please contact NASDAQ OMX.
Questions about commercial aspects: datasales@nasdaqomx.com
Questions about contents and technical aspects: dataproducts@nasdaqomx.com
If you have any questions regarding the physical data, don’t hesitate to contact Nord Pool Spot’s Power Data Services department:
Jan Fredrik Foyn +47 67 10 91 75 jan.foyn@npspot.com
Kristina Remec + 46 8 555 166 08 kristina.remec@npspot.com
Power Data Services pds@npspot.com
UMM application
The old UMM-application will be moved to a new location and get a new URL from the 12th of June. The new URL will be http://umm.nordpoolspot.com
UMM xml files will be located at the new FTP server when the service is back online.
The application will be unavailable during the upgrade to new servers from 02:00 PM to approximately 07:00 PM at 12th of June.
The web pages located at http://umm.nordpool.com/marketinfo/umm/adm/ and will be taken out of service.
WEB pages
The web pages located at wwwdynamic.nordpool.com will be taken out of service.
Other web pages located at www.npspot.com & www.nordpoolspot.com will continue in service although not updated between 02:00 PM and approximately 07:00 PM at 12th of June.
If you have any questions regarding UMM and WEB pages, don’t hesitate to contact Nord Pool Spot’s IT operations department:
Kenneth Andreassen +47 67 10 91 40 kenneth.andreassen@npspot.com
Frits Ohrstrand +47 67 10 91 47 frits.ohrstrand@npspot.com
Lars Thomas Holter +47 67 10 91 49 lars.holter@npspot.com
NPSpot Feed – Power Market News Line
No data will be sent on the feed from 02:00 PM to approximately 07:00 PM at 12th of June.
In case you are or plan to become a Subscriber to Power Market News Line, do not hesitate to contact Nord Pool Spot’s Power Data Services department if you have any questions:
Jan Fredrik Foyn +47 67 10 91 75 jan.foyn@npspot.com
Kristina Remec + 46 8 555 166 08 kristina.remec@npspot.com
Power Data Services pds@npspot.com
Trading Desk Email address
Nord Pool Spot will also change the Trading Desk email address from elspot@nordpool.net to elspot@npspot.com effectively from 7th of June. Until 1st of July it will still be possible to send mails to elspot@nordpool.net.
If you have any questions regarding this change, don’t hesitate to contact Nord Pool Spot’s Trading Desk:
Trading Desk +47 67 10 91 10 elspot@npspot.com
Lysaker, 7 June 2010 13:25 CET