Status of the extension of the CWE-Nordic Interim Tight Volume Coupling (ITVC) to include NorNed (“step 2”).
As mentioned previously, the testing phases of step 2 including the NorNed cable have been delayed due to the impact of the step 1 launch. Due to technical issues it will not now be possible to complete testing in time for a launch of step 2 before Christmas. The involved TSOs and PXs together with EMCC are now working to a planned launch date of 11 January. This is subject to the satisfactory completion of testing, and we will come back to you with confirmation of this date no later than 6 January.
Following a consultation by APX ENDEX of its members, it has been decided not to provide a member testing period prior to the start of step 2.
Lysaker, 8 December 2010 11:00 CET
For further information, please contact:
Hans Randen, director European integration, Nord Pool Spot,
phone +47 92 02 13 26