On Sunday 26 October 2014, clocks will go back one hour from 03:00 to 02:00 a.m. CET due to the change from summer time (daylight saving time) to standard time. As a result, this day contains 25 hours and the common day-ahead price calculation system, launched by NWE on 4 February this year, calculates prices for 25 hours. In consequence the two hours (called 3a and 3b) between 02:00 and 03:00 on 26 October may be treated as two different hours. Historically these have been handled as two identical hours – hour 3b repeating the values from 3a.
For trading in the day-ahead Elspot market participants may enter single hourly orders with different values in hours 3a and 3b, and block orders may start or stop on one of the two hours. This applies for SESAM Web as well as for EDIEL communication. Trading results will be returned with 25 different values. See further technical information here.
Due to this change 25 different hours will be published for prices, volumes and flows for the Elspot market. More specific information regarding data on the ftp-server may be found here.
All participants will be invited to attend member tests for this change in September.
For those trading in Elbas there will be no change as the system already handles 25 different hours.
About Nord Pool Spot
Nord Pool Spot operates Europe’s leading power markets, offering both day-ahead and intraday trading to its members. 370 companies from 20 countries trade on Nord Pool Spot’s markets in the Nordic and Baltic regions, and on our UK market N2EX. In 2013 the group had a total turnover of 493 TWh traded power. Our markets are operated from offices in Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Tallinn and London. Nord Pool Spot strives continually to strengthen its business by working with integrity, together with members and stakeholders, to achieve excellence.
Lysaker, 26 June 2014
For further information, please contact:
Technical questions: John Buhler, Project Specialist, +35 8968404827
Elspot trading desk, +47 67109110 or elspot@npspot.com
Stina Johansen, Head of Communications, +47 916 50 603 (for press enquiries)