Nord Pool Spot has received the following messages in connection with the introduction of Elbas in KONTEK 25 September 2006 from and the four German TSO’s; E.ON Netz GmbH, RWE Transportnetz Strom GmbH, EnBW AG and Vattenfall Europe Transmission GmbH.
Trade between Eastern Denmark and Germany will open in the Elbas intraday market at 14:00 from Monday 25 September for the day of operation of 26 September. Excess trading capacity on the Kontek Link will be available for Elbas trading after the Elspot price has been determined. Physical trading capacity on the Kontek link is 550 MW in each direction, i.e. the capacity in Elbas may be up to 1100 MW in one direction if the Elspot contracts utilize all available capacity in the opposite direction.
Trade for next day's delivery hours between Eastern Denmark and Sweden will as of 25 September open at 14:00 (up till now the opening time has been at 17:00).
Elbas will close 75 minutes before the operating hour in VET's area in Germany and on the Kontek Link during the initial period which is expected to last till 31 December. Elbas will close one hour before the operating hour in Eastern Denmark according with existing practice in the Nordic Elbas region.
E.ON Netz GmbH, RWE Transportnetz Strom GmbH, EnBW AG and Vattenfall Europe Transmission GmbH:
“Bilateral intraday trades are still possible to schedule directly to the TSO’s as earlier done.”
Lysaker, 19 September 2006
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Spot:
Marie Thuestad, sales manager Norway, phone: +47 67 52 81 27/+47 97 04 01 90
Elbas helpdesk, phone: +358 9 6840 48 40, e-mail: