Nord Pool Spot AS has received the following message from and E.ON Netz:
The past months, and E.ON Netz have been investigating the possibility to increase the transmission capacity to be offered in the common auctions at the Danish-German border.
Based on the findings of our common studies we have agreed to increase the maximum capacity for auctioning of our joint interconnectors to the following figures:
• Direction Denmark to Germany: 1,500 MW (prior 1,200 MW)
• Direction Germany to Denmark: 950 MW (prior 800 MW)
This increase of capacity becomes possible due to several reinforcement measures of the transmission grids in the relevant area undertaken in the past months, in particular the reinforcement of the double-system 380 kV lines Wilster – Dollern and Dollern - Landesbergen.
This capacity increase will come into effect beginning 1 February 2007.
The maximum transmission capacity in the auctions will be changed as follows:
Monthly auctions
DK -> D: 500 MW (prior 400 MW)
D -> DK: 350 MW (prior 300 MW)
Daily auctions
DK -> D: 700 MW (prior 500 MW)
D -> DK: 400 MW (prior 300 MW)
Due to the fact that the monthly auction for February is already executed the existing capacities will be used for that month. For the month of February 2007 the additional capacity will be considered in the calculation for the daily capacity.
Annual auctions for 2007
Players who purchased capacity in the annual auctions are given the possibility to return the capacity (or part thereof) to E.ON Netz and The player will get 11/12 of the price in return:
DK -> D: 73,233.00 €/MW
D -> DK: 18,333.00 €/MW
Returned capacity will be given to the daily auctions in February and to the monthly auctions from March to December.
Players must inform E.ON Netz in written form before 25 January 2007 in case of return of capacity.
Lysaker, 17 January 2007
For further information, please contact E.ON Netz and
E.ON Netz:
Thorsten Dietz, +49 921/915 4540, e-mail:
Susanne Dornick, +49 921/915 4568, e-mail:
Klaus Thostrup, +45 76 22 44 38, e-mail:
Erik Damgaard, +45 76 22 42 50, e-mail: