Nord Pool Spot has received the following message from Fingrid:
The Finnish and Russian grid companies have analysed preliminarily the possibility to change one of the four converter units in Vyborg into bi-directional electricity transmission with rated maximum capacity of 350 MW. At the moment it is only possible to import electricity on Fingrid's 400 kV interconnections from Russia to Finland.
The Russian grid company has preliminary informed that the technical testing of bi-directional transmission will be carried out during June 2009. The aim of tests is to verify functionality of bi-directional use of the converter unit. Commercial trade from Finland to Russia will be possible earliest 2010 after the capacity allocation rules concerning the bi-directional transmission has been agreed.
Lysaker, 5 January 2009
For further information, please contact the Russian Federal Grid Company (JSC “FGC UES”) or Fingrid:
Pelymsky V.L., Director for operational administration, phone (495) 710-90-31, e-mail:
Lint M.G - Director for technology, phone (495) 710- 91-12, e-mail:
Pertti Kuronen, Senior Vice President, phone: +358 (0)30 395 5127
Jarno Sederlund, Customer Manager, phone: +358 (0)30 395 4251