The West Coast corridor is a section in the Swedish national grid, close to Gothenburg in SE3, which might be congested in normal operation. This typically occurs during night and weekends with a large northbound transfer of power over the West Coast Corridor. The reason is often related with low consumption in Gothenburg and Malmoe, export to Norway (NO1) and import from Denmark (DK1 and DK2), Germany (DE-TenneT), Poland (PL), and/or Lithuania (LT).
Internal congestion management methods, such as counter trade, have proven to be inefficient to handle these situations. Thus, in order to avoid congestion on the West Coast Corridor and to ensure a secure operation of the electrical power system, it is required to limit either import or export capacity on suitable interconnectors.
Svenska kraftnät announce hereby that NordBalt, which previously has been ignored, will also be considered as a suitable interconnector. The cable has frequently contributed to the northbound load flow of late, which motivates this decision. Hence, beginning December 15, 2016, the capacity on the following interconnectors may be limited due to expected congestion on the West Coast Corridor:
- The Hasle link between SE3 – NO1
- Konti-Skan (1 and 2) between DK1 – SE3
- The Zealand Cables between DK2 – SE4
- Baltic Cable between DE-TenneT – SE4
- SwePol Link between PL – SE4
- NordBalt between LT – SE4
Allocated trading capacity for each interconnector will be reduced in proportion to maximum net transfer capacity (NTC) in relation to the expected load flow over the West Coast Corridor. The final allocation for each interconnector for the following day will be declared to Nord Pool every morning by 10:00 CET.
Lysaker, 13 December 2016
For further information, please contact Svenska kraftnät:
Pontus de Maré, phone: +46 10 475 82 38