Nord Pool offers a wide range of services to help our customers simplify tasks related to trading.
For more than 30 years, Nord Pool has not only operated one of the most successful European power exchanges but has also played a pivotal role in developing emerging markets. A key contribution lies in Nord Pool’s pioneering of the European target model - actively shaping European market coupling - which was built using the Nordic model as a blueprint.
The company offers a wide range of services, facilitating trading, enhancing efficiency and providing deeper insights into power market operations:
Nord Pool Academy
Nord Pool Academy is our globally acclaimed knowledge-sharing function, empowering professionals with cutting-edge, certified understanding of the dynamic power market.
Through expert courses and seminars, Nord Pool Academy provides in-depth training led by market specialists with extensive experience in capacity building, market operations and development.
Nord Pool Academy offers both standardized courses for market participants and industry stakeholders, as well as tailored training programmes designed to meet the specific needs of companies and organizations. With a strong track record in developing high-quality educational materials, Nord Pool Academy ensures that knowledge is accessible, practical and impactful.
Key Initiatives:
Centro nacional de control de energia - Nord Pool conducted a 5-day workshop in Mexico at the CENACE to give extensive lectures on the power market and its related trading procedures & strategies.
The Physical and Power Markets Courses (2-day seminar) - Nord Pool organizes in Oslo or Online an introduction to the European Power Markets.
Nord Pool Consulting
Nord Pool Consulting delivers a wide range of consultancy projects related to power market development. Working in the power market industry for the last 30 years, Nord Pool has not solely theoretical perspective but gained a detailed insight from regulations, EU market solutions development as well as hands-on implementation and operational perspective. Nord Pool supports numerous power markets outside of Europe by offering services within consultancy for the market design, rulebook development, capacity building and power market frameworks.
Key Project: The World Bank Central Asia Project
On behalf of the World Bank and Central Asia stakeholders, Nord Pool designed a Pilot Short-term Regional Electricity Market in Central Asia. The project included a review of existing trading arrangements, a benchmarking of applicable market models, design of a roadmap detailing the transition from pilot to fully-fledged market, as well as various capacity building activities for local stakeholders.
Serviced PX
As part of our Serviced Market Operations, we provide customized trading platforms and software solutions to a number of local power markets. Nord Pool Serviced PX provides end-to-end consultancy and IT services, covering market design, rule development, implementation and ongoing operations. Additionally, Serviced PX can enable robust market surveillance and facilitate the coupling of local power markets into the European internal market.
Key Project: Independent Bulgarian Power Exchange
Nord Pool acted as the project manager for the consulting and delivery project regarding the set-up of the IBEX that went live in January 2016. IBEX is now operated by Nord Pool.
The delivery project contained the required setup of the day-ahead market and settlement systems for IBEX.
TSO Services
Nord Pool provides extensive support collaborating with TSOs on general day-to-day market operations and various needs by individual TSOs. Facilitating day-ahead and intraday market solutions Nord Pool provide a wide range of services to TSOs such as capacity allocation, congestion management, market clearing incl. cross-border flows nominations, as well as data services. Nord Pool assist TSOs with market surveillance services needed to run balancing energy and capacity markets.
Key Initiative: Market Surveillance for Fingrid mFRR & aFRR balancing market
Nord Pool is performing the active market surveillance of the Fingrid mFRR & aFRR markets.
As part of the surveillance effort, Nord Pool developed the market surveillance methodology, including risk assessment, monitoring strategy, as well as the required organizational documentation, in the context of REMIT.
Power Market Data
Nord Pool offers full and convenient access to real-time and historical power market data for the Nordics, Baltics, CWE, and the UK, dating back to 1992. Customers can securely and seamlessly integrate this data with BI systems, apps, ERP, ETRM, ML modules (or other platforms if supported by clear documentation).
Learn more about Power Market Data Services here.
To meet the evolving demands of the modern power market, Nord Pool provides comprehensive compliance services, from market surveillance consultancy to efficient, user-friendly automated reporting tools that help customers fulfill their obligations under REMIT and Transparency regulations.
We always welcome any ideas for new services to make our customers’ lives simpler, as well as input on how we can improve our existing services to continue to provide the best possible support for efficient power trading.
Customer feedback is always welcome, please email: [email protected].