New collection of messages
Nordic TSO Outage Information
Tuesday 3 December the Nordic Transmission System Operators launch an outage message system called NUCS.
For all customers already using Nord Pool’s well established UMM platform, the Transmission Outage Messages, Offshore Grid and other Market Information Messages available in the TSO system will be collected and republished by Nord Pool as usual, at no additional cost.
We aim to continue to be the leading transparency platform in the Nordic/Baltic region, making available all relevant unavailability information for the Nordic and Baltic region. Nord Pool will circulate the information available on NUCS, as quickly and fully as possible. You can, of course, continue to benefit from using Nord Pool’s UMM system for transparency services.
Our proven UMM system will fully support your compliance needs as it has always done. Nord Pool is an approved third-party data provider to Entso-e in the Nordic/Baltic countries and Germany.
We also aim to become a third-party data provider in other European countries.
To continue using Nord Pool for your compliance needs even after NUCS go-live, simply register Nord Pool as your data provider with the relevant TSO.
We will provide more information on this process when it becomes available from the Nordic TSOs.
Cancellation and republication of UMM information
The Nordic TSOs will begin cancelling their Transmission Outage Messages and other Market Information Messages in Nord Pool’s UMM system on Tuesday 3 December. These messages will become available again on our UMM platform after republication on NUCS.
Historical information
Messages that are cancelled in Nord Pool’s UMM system and republished in NUCS will not retain their historical data, as messages republished in other systems get a new identification number connected to the data provider, from Entso-e.
There will be no mapping between republished information in other systems and historical information in Nord Pool’s UMM system.
Changes in information content
Nord Pool has been working with NUCS to find the best way of picking up data on Transmission and other Market Messages available through the NUCS API and republishing it in Nord Pool’s UMM system.
Initially, due to the way in which NUCS information is formatted, messages coming from NUCS will be displayed with Market Participant NUCS, in a similar manner as on Entso-e’s transparency platform.
This change will affect predefined filtering of information from the UMM system, based on Nordic TSOs as Market Participants. This will change in a new UMM release in February, at which point Market Participant for information coming from NUCS, will again be according to REMIT definition, as has always been the case in Nord Pool´s UMM system.
Entso-e requirements regarding overlapping UMMs
Due to updated reporting requirements from Entso-e, it will no longer be possible to publish overlapping UMMs. This is only relevant for “unavailability of electricity facilities” messages and does not apply to “other market information”.
This functionality will be released in UMM system on 3 December. After this update in the system it will no longer be possible to publish overlapping UMMs.
To test these changes please visit the UMM member test system. If you do not have a test user, please contact: [email protected].
What is an overlapping UMM?
An overlapping UMM is one which has the same message type, Unit type, Unit EIC, type of unavailability and is active in the same time frame, as an already existing UMM.
• Message type: Production, consumption, transmission or other
• Unit type (linked to production): Production unit or Generation unit
• Type of unavailability is either Unplanned or Planned.
What to do if you need to send an overlapping UMM
If you need to send a message of an overlapping nature, then you should either update the existing message or cancel the existing message and create a new one. It is usually preferable to update an existing message.