Release notes archive
Release notes 25 May 2020
On Monday 25 May 2020 Nord Pool will release an update of the REMIT UMM UI: 3.1.0 including new functionality for viewing and reporting unavailability information in local time.
The default time zone is still CET/CEST but can now easily be changed by clicking the time in the top right corner of the UMM UI and selecting the desired time zone from the dropdown menu.
Time zone selection is saved in the browser cache, meaning that as long as the same browser is used the selected time zone will apply. This also means that a login is not required to utilise the new functionality, nor is the selection tied to any logged-in user.
This functionality is only available in the UMM UI, not in the UMM API.
Unavailability of transmission messages will now include multiple Market Participants. In addition to NUCS, other Market Participants will now also be displayed in accordance with REMIT definition.
Other market information will continue to state only NUCS as Market Participant.
Release notes 3 December, 2019
On 3 December 2019, Nord Pool will release an update of the REMIT UMM system: 3.0.0, with integration towards NUCS and the new functionality of overlapping UMMs.
Integrations towards NUCS
- Nordic TSOs will cancel their Transmission Outage Messages and other Market Information Messages in Nord Pool's UMM system
- These messages will be republished in NUCS and then also in Nord Pool's UMM system
- Messages that are cancelled in Nord Pool’s UMM system and republished in NUCS will not retain their historical data
- Messages coming from NUCS will be displayed with Market Participant NUCS
- Messages from Nordic TSOs can be filtered on publisher
You can, of course, continue using Nord Pool’s UMM system for transparency services for your reporting needs.
Overlapping UMMs
Due to updated reporting requirements from Entso-e, it will no longer be possible to publish overlapping UMMs. This is only relevant for “unavailability of electricity facilities” messages and does not apply to “other market information”.
If you need to send a message of an overlapping nature, then you should either update the existing message or cancel the existing message and create a new one. It is usually preferable to update an existing message.
The updated version of REMIT UMM will be released at 9 CET on Tuesday 3 December 2019.
Release notes 16 April, 2019
Nord Pool will release an update of the REMIT UMM system version 2.5, with new functionality to increase usability of our UMM platform.
In the REMIT UMM version 2.5 the following changes have been made:
- Visually improved filters to enhance usability
- Option to filter on messages published by own company
- Option to add Unit name when publishing other market messages
- Remarks field added to Messages List on main page
- Improved access to user guide and support
- Visually improved graphs to improve usability
- Enabled right click to open messages in new window
Background information: This update has been made as a result of customer feedback. We appreciate all feedback and take it in to consideration when planning development of the UMM system.
The updated version of REMIT UMM will be released at 14:00 CET on Tuesday 16 April 2019.
Release notes 24 April, 2017
Nord Pool has released an update of the REMIT UMM system: v2.3, with new functionality to increase market transparency and usability of our UMM platform.
The new REMIT UMM version 2.3 includes the following changes:
- Duplicated stations in Station Filter are removed
- Functionality to save user applied filter settings with URL
- Improved tooltip logic for Graph and Gantt
- Event Date in Message Publication separated into two separate calendars
Background information: REMIT UMM v2.0 was launched in December 2016 to implement the new reporting mechanism to ACER´s REMIT platform which, since 1 Jan 2017, has collected insider data across Europe. The new system closely reflects the format, layout and content of the latest European regulatory reporting structure as well as providing simplified publishing of market messages.
The updated version of REMIT UMM will be released at 14:00 CET on Monday 24 April 2017.
Release notes March 7, 2017
On 7 March 2017, Nord Pool has released an update of the REMIT UMM system: v2.2, including Gantt charts of outages.
The REMIT UMM version 2.2 includes:
- Gantt chart of production, consumption and transmission outages
- General bug fixing
Background information: REMIT UMM v2.0 was launched in December 2016 to implement the new reporting mechanism to ACER´s REMIT platform which, since 1 Jan 2017, has collected insider data across Europe. The new system closely reflects the format, layout and content of the latest European regulatory reporting structure as well as providing simplified publishing of market messages.
Release notes February 7, 2017
On 7 February 2017, Nord Pool will release an update of the REMIT UMM system: v2.1, with new functionality to increase market transparency and usability of our UMM platform.
The new REMIT UMM version 2.1 will include:
- Graphical view of aggregated outages
- Graphical view of available transmission capacity per connection
- Fully supported API to retrieve and publish UMMs
- Improved functionality to maintain customer’s station data – view and delete default values
- User profile - view account setup and service subscriptions
- Option to show/hide outdated messages in message list
- Improved performance
The updated version of REMIT UMM will be released at 14:00 CET on Tuesday 7 February 2017.
For further information on how to get started with our API, please sign up to Nord Pool´s Developer Portal or contact: [email protected]
Background information: REMIT UMM v2.0 was launched in December 2016 to implement the new reporting mechanism to ACER´s REMIT platform which, since 1 Jan 2017, has collected insider data across Europe. The new system closely reflects the format, layout and content of the latest European regulatory reporting structure as well as providing simplified publishing of market messages.
Release notes December 14, 2016
Functionality included
- ACER REMIT reporting as required by 1st January
- ENTSO-E Transparency Reporting
- RSS feeds for message notifications (Email/Browser/RSS-reader)
- Easy default value setup for station data
- 3rd party publication
- Synchronization to ACER´s official list of ACER Market Participants
- Extended filtering capabilities
- Publisher filter
- Fuel Type filter
- Free text search on text fields for all messages
- Import spreadsheet functionality - Single sign-on for Nord Pool applications
- New XML format for FTP services
- Supported Browsers: IE10+, Chrome, Firefox
As previously communicated there will be a second release in January that includes:
- Graphs of aggregated UMMs
- Gantt charts of outages
- API with documentation
IMPORTANT: Nord Pool takes no regulatory or legal responsibility that the migrated messages contain the correct information. The publishing company is responsible to validate his/her company´s set of migrated messages and correct the content if necessary. Guidance how this practically shall be done is included in the release notes to simplify this process.
Migration principles
The full historical message data base of historical UMMs has been migrated to REMIT UMM.
Each Company´s last version of setup of infrastructure (station data) as stored in old system has been set up a Default Values in REMIT UMM.
- For all migrated messages: Type of Event from old UMM system has been added as text to field Reason for unavailability.
- For all migrated messages: Text field Remarks and Cancellation reason has been truncated to 500 characters to fit the ACER requirements.
- Production Outage: Migrated as Unavailability of electricity facility / Production
- If underlying units exists for a Station: migrated as Generation uni
- Multiple units migrated as multiple Generation units to one message.
IMPORTANT: It is not possible to update such migrate message with more than one Generation unit. To update, user must cancel the migrated message and re-publish the information in separate UMMs per Generation unit.
- Production unit Fuel Type has been copied from old units and mapped according to ACER standards where only one Fuel Type value is allowed. - Consumption Outage: Migrated as Unavailability of electricity facility / Consumption
- Transmission Outage: Migrated as Unavailability of electricity facility / Transmission
- General / Market Information: Other Market Information
- If the Market Information message contains unit data: Unit Name, available capacity has been added to Reason for Unavailability text field.
- Infrastructure versions for migrated messages
- The infrastructure version that was valid at the time of original message publication has been used to populate the unit data in the migrated message.
- If no unit EIC code existed or EIC code was not of proper formatin the infrastructure version a dummy code has been generated. This is typically the case for older messages missing EIC codes.
- Default Values on company level for Production, Generation, Consumption and Transmission units
- Last version of infrastructure from old UMM system has been used.
- Outage messages missing End Time
- If subsequent message in thread has End Time this has been used.
- If no subsequent message in thread has End Time but thread is terminated by a cancelled message, publication time of the cancellation message has been used as End Time for all messages in thread.
- If the cases above does not apply, message has been migrated as Other Market Information with End Time empty. Unit information from original message has in these cases been added to Remarks field as text.
- Type of event Other
- Outages with Type of event “Other” has been migrated as Unavailability of electricity facility with Type of unavailability Unplanned and Reason code Failure.
- Publishing company needs to validate case by case if migrated message shall be republished as Planned / Foreseen maintenance.
Validation of migrated messages
Each company with published UMMs is responsible to validate his set of migrated messages. Only migrated messages with Event Times after 14th December 2016 needs to be validated.
To simplify the validation procedure Nord Pool has provided a Migration Report in Excel. The migration report contains a link to a copy of the original message paired with the URL to the migrated message in REMIT UMM system. This mapping also includes the message legacy ID from the old UMM system.
- Please use provided migration report to compare migrated massages with original messages. The migration report is available for download from
- Filter the list on your company and compare the information in both messages that the migrated message contains correct information. Use the links provided in the report to compare the messages.
- If any major errors are found, update the migrated message with correct information.
- Confirm to [email protected] when your company has validated all your messages. The message validation shall be done before 23th December.
XML Format
REMIT UMM system uses a new XML format for the FTP service.
Minor corrections to the previously published XML Schema Definition has been made:
- InstalledCapacity is no longer nullable
- Versioning added to XSD file
Please make sure you use the latest version of the XSD available.
Known issues
- Migrated messages with more than one generation unit cannot be updated.
Workaround: If update is required of such message, user needs to cancel the migrated message and republish the information to the market in separate UMMs where only one generation unit is included in each message.
- Chrome browsers: Page does not load correctly and error messages are shown to user.
Solution: In Chrome browser, open History menu and select “Clear browsing data”. Make sure that cookies and cashed pages has been deleted.