The Physical and Financial Power Markets Course 12 and 13 March 2025
Join us at Clarion Hotel Oslo in Oslo or Online from anywhere in the world for an introduction to Europe’s leading short- and long-term power markets.
This course also serves as an excellent refresher course, covering all recent and relevant changes in the energy markets, as well as giving an overview of potential future developments.
The Physical and Financial Power Market course sees experts from Nord Pool and other leading power sector organizations, providing valuable insights and answers to your most pressing questions. There will, as always, also be guest presenters speaking on hot topics.
Held in English, the course will unravel the complexity of the power market, whether you are a trader, investor or working in the back or front office. It will be equally helpful for those with a more general interest in the increasingly important energy sector, such as lawmakers, energy regulators and students.
Nord Pool Digital Diploma: Test of Knowledge
Two weeks prior to the course, all confirmed participants will be given access to the course’s online material. This includes an explanation of industry acronyms and an introduction to some of the basic concepts. Video recordings from previous courses are also included. The online material serves as a useful source of information about the finer detail of the power markets and also as an online knowledge test. Pass the test one week after the course has finished and you will be rewarded with the Nord Pool Digital Diploma!
Programme: (updated 28/02)
Day 1: The Physical Power Market (9:00 – 16:30)
- Introduction to the power market and the Nord Pool power market model
The basics about energy markets
Isidora Micic, Senior Power Market Expert - Nord Pool - Transmission System Operator (TSO) - Svenska Kraftnät
The TSO’s responsibilities, reserve markets, Nordic Flow-based and much more
Linus Claesson, Power system specialist - SVK
- European day-ahead markets (SDAC)
Integrating Europe’s power markets with one algorithm; Euphemia
Detailing European day-ahead markets: system price, bidding areas, price formation, transmission allocation, transparency and much more
Ida Ødegård, Team Lead Auctions - Nord Pool &
Kristiane Jørstad Granaasen, Senior Expert - Nord Pool
- Intraday Continuous: The road to a fully connected Europe
Continuous trading of power products, close to delivery hour
Sandro Olivieri, Trading Adviser – Nord Pool - Intraday Auctions
New product; Implicit intraday auction - carried out at a pan- European level to allocate available intraday transmission capacity
Hilde Anita Rosenblad, Senior Adviser Public & Regulatory Affairs - Nord Pool - [HOT TOPIC] Success of Baltic synchronization with CEN (Central European Network)
Rokas Masiulis, CEO - Litgrid (Lithuanian TSO)
Donatas Matelionis, Head of Power System Operations Department at Litgrid
We will round off Day 1 with an interactive quiz and aperitif at the venue 16:30.
Day 2: Financial and regulatory aspects of the power market (9:00 – 16:30)
- Energy Attribute Certificates in Europe and other regions
How cooperation between market participants and governments created a well-working and trustworthy system
Ivar Munch Clausen, Chief Business development officer - Ecohz &
Lars Maalen, Renewable portfolio and PPA manger - Ecohz
- Financial power market: Hedging power price
Introduction to the financial power market.
Standardized products including trading of EPAD.
Clearing and settlement for trades and clearing of OTC trades.
Sandro Olivieri, Trading Advisor - Nord Pool - Risk management, Clearing and Settlement
The role of the central counterpart, clearing and settlement at Nord Pool. Risk management at Nord Pool.
Robert O'Doherthy, Clearing Operations Manager - Nord Pool &
Karl Conlan, Risk Manager - Nord Pool - Market Surveillance at Nord Pool
Introduction to REMIT, the role of Market Surveillance, national regulators and ACER, and inside information versus transparency information.
Isabelle Viole, Market Surveillance Analyst - Nord Pool
- Origination and PPAs at Statkraft
Per Ivar Olsen, Head of Origination - Statkraft
We will round off Day 2 with an interactive quiz.
Recordings of some hot topic presentations from previous Physical and Financial Power Market courses are available to watch with the online material.
The participation fee is listed in the registration form. It includes all presentations, online material and end-of-course test. The fee also includes lunch and snacks during the course.
Physical participation:
Fee for members: …………………………… EUR 1125
Fee for non-members: ……………………… EUR 1500
Online participation
Fee for online participation members:……… EUR 675
Fee for online participation non-members:…. EUR 900
To ensure we can answer all questions, participant numbers are limited. Availability is allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Please note - you must book your own accommodation. More details will follow upon registration.
If you are a student, journalist or feel a discount should be applicable to you, please get in touch.
Feel free to send any questions you have about the course to: or call us on +47 907 39 661.