What kind of redistribution licenses do you have?
Our redistribution licenses are split into two categories. These are:
Basic License
- The basic license allows a customer to use our data in closed off customer only portals
- The data must be static
- Cannot be made available for download
- Does not include history
Please note that basic redistribution license does not cover our Intraday data products.
Premium license
The premium use has subcategories that require individual licenses. These are:
Customer facing User Interface:
- Displaying Market Data on public / private User Interfaces
- Showing history, i.e. 1 week historical downloadability is permitted
- Visualization of all history is permitted
- The Customer shall pay a license fee per each of its customer/user of that service
Customer facing data distribution:
- Distributing Market Data via API, FTP or other integration technologies
- The Customer shall pay a license fee per each of its customer/user of that service
Premium internal uses:
- Index creation, i.e. development of indices that reflect state of market
§ Index’s redistribution requires a license with a fee per each customer/user
- Trading
§ For settlement/trading purposes e.g. use of Market Data for settling futures markets
- Original works
§ Derived market data which is then redistributed in the market
§ The Customer shall pay a license fee per each of its customer/user of that service