ELSPOT: Risk of Full Decoupling in NWE
The Market Coupling process has encountered a risk of Full Decoupling due to on-going technical reasons or market issues.
In case of Full Decoupling, another message will be sent shortly after 13:50.
A Full Decoupling is a result of one or more parties having technical issues and hence are not able to meet theFull Decoupling deadline of 13:50 CET, which is defined in the NWE Market Coupling. A Full Decoupling leads to a decoupling of all areas. As a result of this CASC will run shadow auctions on the all interconnections between exchange areas. For the Nordic-Baltic region shadow auctions will be executed on DK1-GER, Kontek and NorNed.
If the Full Decoupling is declared CASC will publish the results of the shadow auction. The involved PX will re-open their order books in order for participants to submit bids according to the results of the shadow auction.
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