Dear Member,
As a result of Elexon modification P342: Change to Gate Closure for Energy Contract Volume Notifications, Nord Pool will be moving gate closure for all UK intraday contracts one hour closer to physical delivery. The necessary production upgrade will take place during a service break on Tuesday 31st October between 15:00 and 16:00 GMT. New gate closure times will take effect for contracts with delivery of 2nd November 2017.
Member Test
The UK intraday member test environment will be configured to the new gate closure times from Monday 23rd October:
If you require any additional information please contact me at : or call +44 7753 851 022. Alternatively contact the Intraday Trading Desk: or call +47 6710 9115.
Nord Pool desk
T: +47 6710 9110 (Day-ahead desk) | E: |
T: +47 6710 9115 (Intraday desk) | E: |