Correction: The list of Auctions for DST testing were missing our N2EX auction. Please find the amended and complete list below:
Auction names and corresponding Auction ID:
Test N2EX Day Ahead - N2EX_DA_2
Test_CWE Hour Day Ahead - Test_CWE_H_DA_1
Test NordicBaltic Hour Day Ahead - Test_NOR_H_DA_1
Test PL Hour Day Ahead - Test_PL_H_DA_1
GB Half Hour Day Ahead - GB_HH_1
Nord Pool Intraday Auction 24H - NPIDA_1
SEM-GB IDA1 18:30 24H - SEM-GB-IDA1
Nord Pool desk
T: +47 6710 9110 (Day-ahead desk) | E: |
T: +47 6710 9115 (Intraday desk) | E: |