In preparation for the upcoming clock change on March 27th, Nord Pool will be offering a test simulation of our auction platforms in the member test environment on Wednesday March 2nd.
The transition from wintertime to summertime takes place by setting the clock forward one hour at 03:00 CET on Sunday 27th March 2022. Therefore Sunday 27th will have 23 trading hours. We encourage customers to use this test to actively place orders and check the results to ensure they are familiar with the process.
Auction platform test:
On Wednesday March 2nd we will run the day-ahead auction with delivery day March 27th. The test environment is open for until gate closure time (see below). Please choose delivery date March 27th in the platform and deliver your bids as usual. If you deliver bids via Excel sheets, please remember to download the template for March 27th.
Test times:
14:00 CET Gate closure time
15:30 CET Publication of results
CASS and REMIT results will be available in the member test environment the following day.
Test sites and log in:
Test site Auction Platform:
Personal user name: TEST_”your personal user name”
Personal password: Your personal password
Auction names and corresponding Auction ID
Name of Auction - Auction ID
Test_CWE Hour Day Ahead - Test_CWE_H_DA_1-20220326
NordicBaltic Hour Day Ahead - NOR_H_DA_1-20220326
Test PL Hour Day Ahead - Test_PL_H_DA_1-20220326
GB Half Hour Day Ahead - GB_HH_1-20220326
SEM-GB ID1 18:30 24H - SEM-GB-ID1-20220326
N2EX Day Ahead - N2EX_DA_2-20220326
Test site Clearing and Settlement:
Test site REMIT:
Username and password for member test is required for these systems. If you do not have a test account, please contact by Monday February 28th to set one up.
API documentation:
Found here:
User guide:
User guide for our platforms can be found here.
If you have questions or require further support, please email
Please be aware that the testing takes place in the member test environment.
Nord Pool desk
T: +47 6710 9110 (Day-ahead desk) | E: |
T: +47 6710 9115 (Intraday desk) | E: |