Capacities in the intraday system are provided by TSOs.
Cross-border capacities are handled implicitly, that means local order book views take into account capacities that are allocated by different TSOs on each border.
Cross-border trades will only be possible if there is enough allocated capacity between the areas.
Intraday capacities are determined by the relevant TSOs after flow results of the day-ahead auction.
Exact timing of capacity allocation varies and depends both, on operational procedures and individual agreements between TSOs on the different borders.
*Exemptions to 15' MTU Products and their Gate Closing Times:
Swedish Trading Schedule will start closing 15'MTU contracts in rolling window schedule, one hour before their own delivery, after 21st of March 2025, 12:00 PM
Capacity updates
Intraday capacities are updated automatically, depending on the volume and direction of intraday trades.
Capacities can further be changed directly by TSOs as a result of operational issues, e.g. an outage on a transmission line.
As in the day-ahead auction, ramping restrictions apply in intraday.
As a result the entire remaining capacity after the day-ahead auction may not be available for the market on ramped connections.
A full description of ramping restrictions can be found here.